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Recent Reviews

Ms Van Nieuwenhove


"I loved the workshop

(Intro to Shakespeare) and the way your enthusiasm got our students to really go for it! It was fast-paced and very well structured."


5th May 2024

3rd year teacher 

in Oudenaarde

"The workshop really resonated with the students. You were very understandable and had a lot of patience with the students. I also noticed that you switched a few activities around based on how active the students were and if they were shy, which was really clever."


23rd April 2024

Ms Costa 

Teacher at St John's International School

"We really enjoyed the Pick Me workshop, and I think Abbie was a fantastic host. The students ranged significantly in age and enthusiasm, but she got everyone to participate and to have some fun."


4th March 2024

Mara | Student

"The activity with the instructor Abbie was very fun, I really liked how she kept motivating us and how at the end everyone started participating and we started to solve every exercise faster."

Belmin | Student

"In my opinion schools should encourage such forms of learning more, especially when students are trying to become fluent in a language."

Ms Van Tendeloo


"My students became much more open to actually speaking English, while they sometimes reply in Dutch to my English questions. Others also became more active and involved. I discovered the creative side of my students."


2nd May 2024

Ms Beaucourt 

Teacher in Ghent

"One student who didn't believe she could speak English well, gave a thank you speech directed to Abbie at the end of the workshop in fluent English. She couldn't believe it herself that she pulled that off."


22nd April 2024

Ms Cassaer

Teacher at

GO! Atheneum Mortsel

"Abbie did a fabulous job of getting everyone involved, she knew how to talk to the students and correct certain behaviours without talking down to them. The pupils gave great feedback!"


28th February 2024

Lucie | Student

"I really enjoyed working all together to solve a problem because I personally think that it brings us together as a class too. What I also really enjoyed was Abbie’s motivation to work with us and in general I thought it was a very fun activity because it was more out of the ordinary to what we usually do. So I definitely had a lot of fun and would do it again."